Help Documents - Version 5Add Registrant TypesHow can I use Registrant Types?

How can I use Registrant Types?

Registrant Types are used to present a different registration sequence to registrants

Each registrant type can be set up to display different:

  1. Registrant Information capture fields (the About You section) - Capture Registrant Information
  2. Questions - Add Questions
  3. Sessions and Session prices - Add Sessions (Workshops, Breakouts)
  4. Sales Items and Item prices - Add Sales Items (Tickets)
  5. Methods of Payments
  6. Custom content rows
  7. Registration website extra pages

Registrant Types can be PUBLIC or PRIVATE

What's the difference?

  • A.  PUBLIC - A public registration type appears in a dropdown menu on an event's Landing Page. A registrant type must be selected by the registrant in order to proceed to the registration page - anyone can select it
  • B.  PRIVATE - A private registrant type DOES NOT appear as a selectable element anywhere on your website - it is designed to prevent registrants from "perusing" other registrant types in order to find a better deal or different options, etc.

A. PUBLIC Registrant Type

  1. This example illustrates the PUBLIC Registrant Type - the registrant may change from type to type and view all of your options (some organizers want to lock a registrant into a type - enter the PRIVATE Registrant Type).
A. PUBLIC Registrant Type

B. PRIVATE Registrant Type

  1. This example illustrates the PRIVATE Registrant Type - the registrant cannot change from type to type; the registrant is locked into a certain registrant type.
B. PRIVATE Registrant Type

PUBLIC vs. PRIVATE - How do I decide?

Deciding is simple:

Registrant Types allow for different field and option sequences within an event - see the first step in this article.  Therefore, it comes down to:

  1. Prevention of "roving eyes"
  2. Elimination of registrant type selection mistakes

Using registrant types, you can set up different ticket prices, different sessions, different questions, methods of payment, custom content and extra pages... every registrant type can see a different website.  Ask yourself this question:  Do you want registrants perusing through your registrant types, looking at what other types are paying or what session choices they receive, etc?  If not, go PRIVATE.

Registrants who register under an incorrect registrant type create problems for your admins. Often, these problems can require hours to resolve: money has to be refunded or more charged, session signups need to be changed, question responses will be different, perhaps the same method of payment is not available to some types, etc.  You can see these types of errors can create time consuming havoc for your admins, If you want to avoid errors, go PRIVATE.

If none of this matters, go PUBLIC. Registrants can see all types and become any type.

PUBLIC vs. PRIVATE - Actual implementation can be cumbersome

When you create a Registrant Type, the system creates a unique URL that, when clicked, sends the clicker to the Landing Page with that registrant type already selected.  (See step B. PRIVATE Registrant Type above).  The only way you can privatize your registrant types is to email this unique URL to recipients.  This means you need to have your contact lists sorted by registrant types.  For example, you would need to have a separate list for Attendees, Members, Non-Members, Exhibitors, Sponsors, etc.  You would need to prepare and send a separate invitation to each of your list types, including, of course, the unique URL for that registrant type.  Our Email Wizard is set up to easily accommodate this need.

The PUBLIC registrant type, on the other hand, uses the default URL for your event, which will look something like this:  This URL places the dropdown menu with type selections on the Landing Page (See step A. PUBLIC Registrant Type above).


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