Help Documents - Version 5What's New in rsvpBOOK?May 1, 2015 ----- [Questionnaire Wizard - Bulk Editor; Invitation Only update; Discount Codes; Event Graphic]

May 1, 2015 ----- [Questionnaire Wizard - Bulk Editor; Invitation Only update; Discount Codes; Event Graphic]

New Features and Tools:

Questionnaire Wizard:

  1. Added a bulk editing tool (copy, move, sequential numbering, delete and hide). Use for quickly copying and/or moving in one operation
  2. Edit the question right on the screen - no need to open the question Edit tool to change the question
  3. The attributes Conditional Questions and Conditional Sessions/Sales have been added to the main screen to assist faster debugging of conditional setup errors

Post-Event Surveys - Added an email address check: If the email address of the registrant does NOT match the email address in the invitation, registration is prevented.

Questionnaire Wizard - Changes

Edit questions right on the screen without going to the Edit button ... click the Pencil icon.  You can also set the Advanced Report Label by clicking the Update Advanced Report Label link.

Bulk Editor - clicking any check box in the blue column will turn on the Bulk Editor Options control panel.

You can do the following with the Bulk Editor:

  1. Copy Checked - Enter the number of copies you want; a starting number to add an incrementing sequential number to each copy and then move the new set of questions into position
  2. Move Checked - Prompts for a new position for the checked question(s)
  3. Hide Checked - Marks the questions Hidden from the registration page
  4. Show Checked - Marks the questions Visible so that they are visible on the registration page
  5. Delete Checked - Deletes the checked questions, ONLY IF they are NOT in a conditional question AND have not been selected by a registrant
Questionnaire Wizard - Changes

Invitation Only update.

Invitation Only events will now prevent a successful registration for a registrant who is using a forwarded invitation. Only the recipient will be allowed to register, and only one time.

Discount Codes

More information about each Discount Code has been brought to the summary table on the Sales Wizard screen.

Discount Codes

Event Graphic

You can now specify on which page you want your Event Graphic to display: the Landing page and/or the Registration page.

Event Graphic


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