How do I customize the About You fields for Groups?
The About You fields capture your registrant's information and any other information for which you create custom and hidden fields.
When you turn on Group Registration, the About You Editor tool automatically reconfigures so that you can set the visibility and required-ness of the 3 sets of fields so that those registering as:
- An Individual
- A Group Leader
- A Group Member
... can see a different set of fields. You can also create custom and hidden fields for each type.
Where are the About You fields?
The About You fields display on the Registration Page. They capture the registrant's personal information. You can edit the default field labels as well as add new fields. Existing fields can be hidden if you don't need them.

Does your Admin Dashboard have Menus or Buttons?
rsvpBOOK has 2 versions of the Admin Dashboard. Which one do you have?

If Menus, your About You Editor tool is located here ...
Group Registration and Banquet Tables are mutually exclusive tools; only one can be used at a time.

If Buttons, your About You Editor tool is located here ...

The About You Editor window opens ...
For in-depth detail about the About You Editor tool, see this article: Capture Registrant Information. All of it applies to this article.
Group Registration adds two pair of columns regulating the Visibility and Required-ness of the Group Leader and Group Members capture screens- individual, group leader and group member registrants can see a different set of fields.
Typically, you would set up the following combinations (although they can all be as different as you need, particularly when you factor in custom fields and hidden fields):
- The Individual and
- Group Leader fields to be the same
- The Group Member can see a reduced set of capture fields
Since the Report Wizard can add the Group Leader's field contents to the Group Member fields, you can streamline and speed up the group member registration process.
Click and Drag the fields up and down the screen to change their display order on the registration page. There is a known issue with IE8 & IE9 browsers having difficulty with the click and drag. Try a different browser, such as Chrome or Firefox.
More help with the About You Editor tool ...
This article describes, in more detail, the About You Editor tool: Capture Registrant Information.
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