Help Documents - Version 5What's New in rsvpBOOK?November 18, 2013 ----- [Registrant List, Session Bulk Editing, Sub-pages for Reg Website Wizard, Table Wizard]

November 18, 2013 ----- [Registrant List, Session Bulk Editing, Sub-pages for Reg Website Wizard, Table Wizard]

New Features: New Registrant List and Session Bulk Edit tools

  1. Registrant List - Modified to download only 10 registrants per page so that 2000 registrants pop on the screen with 3-4 seconds.
  2. Session Bulk Editing - Expanded the bulk edit tools - see list of new tools below
  3. Sub-pages for the Reg Website Wizard - In addition to setting up extra pages for your website, you can now set up sub-pages for each of the regular pages
  4. Table Wizard - If you are having a fundraiser that requires the population and sale of banquet tables and table seats, this tool makes this an easy task

NEW: Registrant List: improved performance

Major speed improvements have been made to Registrant List (the most-used tool on rsvpBOOK).  Previously, 2000 registrants required 55-60 seconds to download all registrants.  We changed this to a paged download so that only 10 registrant records were downloading at a time. 2000 registrants now requires only 3-4 seconds.  The paging between pages is also very fast.

If you're searching for one person, use the Search The Registrant List button in the upper left corner of this screen.

NEW: Registrant List: improved performance

NEW: Bulk Edit tools for the Manage Sessions screen

Summary of new tools on the Manage Sessions screen:

  1. Change registrants from Waitlisted to Registered and from Registered to Waitlisted
  2. Add registrants to this session and set the status to Registered or Waitlisted
  3. Move registrants to another session and set the status to Registered or Waitlisted
  4. Mark registrants as Attended or Not Attended
  5. Remove registrants from this session
  6. Send Registrants an email reminder to attend
NEW: Bulk Edit tools for the Manage Sessions screen

NEW: Table Wizard

This wizard is useful for setting up and selling tables and table seats in support of banquet fundraisers

How do I use the Table Wizard?


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