Help Documents - Version 5What's New in rsvpBOOK?March 25, 2015 ----- [File Cabinet: Copy files to folder and reorder the file list; Secondary Email Address capture; Questionnaire Wizard - additional columns]

March 25, 2015 ----- [File Cabinet: Copy files to folder and reorder the file list; Secondary Email Address capture; Questionnaire Wizard - additional columns]

New Features and Tools:

  1. File Cabinet Wizard - Copy files from folder to folder and reorder the file list within a folder (Suggested by: Bill Kugel, in Maine)
  2. Added a new field in the About You Editor called: Secondary Email Address - Use this field to capture the email address of the person registering for someone else.  This email address will receive a copy of every email message sent to the person(s) for whom they registered.
  3. Questionnaire Wizard - added the Registrant Types and Group/Individual attributes to the questions page. Use for quickly checking the visibility of that question to groups, individuals and registrant types.


File Cabinet Wizard

  1. New! Copy File to a different Folder within the File Cabinet.
  2. Change the display order of files by clicking and dragging the Name up or down.
File Cabinet Wizard

Secondary Email Address - About You Editor

There is a new email address field in the About You Editor. If used, the email address that is entered will receive a copy of ALL email messages sent to the registrant.

This can be used for:

  • Those registering for someone else and would like a copy of all email messages that are sent to the registrant over the life of the event
  • Those who would like to enter a secondary email address (for any purpose) - The default prompt should be changed to something like this example: Send a copy of my messages to my home address.

The default visibility for this field is HIDDEN and it does NOT require a response. Both of these can be changed just like any other About You field. The default prompt is: I am registering for someone else; send copies of all email messages to.

Secondary Email Address - About You Editor

Questionnaire Wizard - Additional columns

View a question's visibility to Groups, Individuals and Registrant Types. on the Question Manager screen. Previously, you would have to Edit the question in order to see a question's visibility.

Questionnaire Wizard - Additional columns


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