One or more of my sessions are not visible
Possible reasons:
- The Display / Hide option is set to Hide for this session's group or the session itself
- Check the "disable before date" - sessions will not be visible once the disable before date has been reached
- Check the session date - if it has already occurred, the session will not be visible (unless option is selected)
- Check that registrant types have been selected as visible
This is a fix for Reason #1:
Open the Session Wizard screen ...
- Scroll down to the Group section (the purple rows) and check the visibility for the entire group
- Scroll further down and check the visibility of each question (the blue rows)
Edit the question and change the visibility ...

This is a fix for Reason #2:
Edit the session that is invisible and check the Disable Session Selection setting. Sessions will not be visible once the "... disable before day ..." has been reached.

This is a fix for Reason #3:
- Check the session date - if the session's date has already occurred, the session will not be visible ... unless ...
- ... if the Elapsed Session Display setting is set to "Do not display" elapsed sessions, the sessions will not display - change it to "Continue to display" to toggle visibility to Visible
This is a fix for Reason #4:
Open the Advanced Registration button and ...
- Click the Registrant Types link in the Quck Nav panel along the left edge of the screen - the Registrant Types screen was moved, so follow the link that is displayed in the Registrant Types section
- Scroll down to the Define Registrant Types section
- Click the Permissions button for each registrant type and turn on the visibility of fields, questions, sessions, sales items, etc.
... setting permissions
This Permissions screen controls the visibility of About You fields, Questions, Sessions and/or Sales Items that will be seen by this registrant type: Members.

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