How do I Create a Contact List for sending Invitations?
You send invitations to a Contact List.
Does your Admin Dashboard have Menus or Buttons?
rsvpBOOK has 2 versions of the Admin Dashboard. Which one do you have?

If Menus, your Email Wizard tool is located here ...

If Buttons, your Email Wizard tool is located here ...

Open the Contact List Manager screen
Click the Create and Manage Contact Lists button on the Email Wizard screen.
Name the contact list
Fill in the contact list details and how you will populate the list with data.
If you upload a .CSV file of contact information, you may elect to pre-populate the registration page when you set up your invitation(s).
If you selected "I would like to upload a .CSV file of contacts" in the previous step ...
- Select the .CSV file from your computer by clicking the Browse button
- Click the check box if the first row contains column labels
- Click the Upload .CSV File button
Match the .CSV file fields to the About You fields
- Click the down arrow in the right column and select the .CSV file field for each of the fields in the About You section (rsvpBOOK Fields).
You do not have to match all of the fields. Only the matched fields will be pre-populated. Hidden fields can also be matched to a .CSV file field.
Your List has been created and appears in the List Manager screen
On the List Manager screen (above), you can view the new List you just created along with its management tools:
- In the Action column, there are tools to:
- Hide a list from display on this screen (keeps your list shortened)
- Append additional names to your list, either manually or uploading a .CSV file
- Download those list members who have not yet registered - useful for sending out another round of special invitations
- Edit the List Name inline by clicking the pencil icon
- Edit the Public List Name (visibile to registrants) inline by clicking the pencil icon
- List creation date/time stamp
- # Subscribed is the number of contacts in the list
- # Unsubscribed is a list of those who clicked the Unsubscribe from this List link in the invitation - rsvpBOOK maintains these unsubscribers across ALL of your events, not just this one; your contact unsubscribe lists are global to your member account
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