How do I turn OFF the Registration page password prompt?
Where is the password prompt located?
The password prompt is located in the registrant information section (About You) of the Registration Page.
CAVEATS: Turning off the password prompt prevents the registrant from returning to their registration page to make changes after they register. If they need to make changes, they will reach out to the event contact person to make the changes for them. If you do not want to make edits for your registrants, then leave the password capture fields in place. Your experience with your registrants and your event information capture needs will give you criteria for making this decision. Turning it off could create an unreasonable amount of work for you.

Does your Admin Dashboard have Menus or Buttons?
rsvpBOOK has 2 versions of the Admin Dashboard. Which one do you have?

If Menus, your Event Preferences tool is located here ...

If Buttons, your Event Preferences tool is located here ...

The Result

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