Help Documents - Version 5Add Sales Items (Tickets)How do I change the display order of Groups (Sales Wizard)?

How do I change the display order of Groups (Sales Wizard)?

You will work in the Group Order column

In this example, the Members group was copied and the group name changed to Non-Members.  Prior to copying, the "Copy Of" checkbox was turned on and then edited out of the group name after the copy.

To change the display order of these Groups:

  1. Resequence the numbers in the Group Order column (light green) to reflect the desired order
  2. Then click the Re-Order button in any group
  3. The Group Order numbers are automatically sequenced in increments of 20, starting at 1000, so that you have room to insert groups before others

Re-ordering the groups has no effect on the order of the sales items within each group - they remain unchanged.

You will work in the Group Order column

The result: Non-Members group appears before the Members group

The result: Non-Members group appears before the Members group

To change the display order of sales items ...


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