How do I add an Event Location?
Does your Admin Dashboard have Menus or Buttons?
rsvpBOOK has 2 versions of the Admin Dashboard. Which one do you have?

If Menus, your Event Location tool is located here ...

If Buttons, your Event Location tool is located here ...

Where does the Event Location appear on the registration page?
The Event Location appears on the registration page - Open this document and look for black dot #11 - this document will open in a new window; close it to come back to this page
The Location window opens
All fields on this screen are optional. Include as much or as little information about the location of your event. CAUTION: be sure to include enough information so that you don't receive phone calls about the location.
- You can hide the location block on all screens by checking the Hide Location checkbox
- Enter the location's details in the yellow-highlighted area
- If you want to embed a map to your location, obtain the code to do so from a mapping service (mouseover the red tip dot for links to mapping services)
- If you want to include driving directions to your location, do so with the Driving Directions WYSIWYG text editor tool - How do I use the WYSIWYG text editor tool?
Verify the Event Location is displaying correctly on the Registration page
The Event Location is displaying correctly. If it is correct on one page, it will be correct on all pages and email messages.

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