How do I use the Registrant Status?
rsvpBOOK assigns 1 of 7 possible statuses to each successfully registered person. What are these 7 statuses and what governs their assignment?
Three statuses are set by the registrant's selections. These are:
- Attending - a registrant who clicks the Accept button at the bottom of the registration page is assigned this status - this is the DEFAULT status for accepts
- Not Attending - a registrant who clicks the Decline button at the bottom of the registration page is assigned this status - this is the DEFAULT status for declines
- Incomplete - a registrant is assigned this status if they click the Save My Progress button DURING their registration process - this is the DEFAULT status for incompletes
The other four statuses are assigned by the event admin person. These four are NOT a system-assigned status. They are only placeholders so that you can define how and when you want to use them.
- Pending
- Approved
- Confirmed
- Other
How do I use these four admin statuses? You can use these four statuses to keep track of a person's journey through your website. Although you can't rename them, you can assign them to different phases of a registrant's submission.
For example, let's say that you want your registrants to upload a resume (default to Pending). Then someone will read all of the resumes and decide which ones to interview (Approved) and which to reject (Other). They would change the status to reflect the current state of the registrant's progress, Create a report for each of the three statuses for this example:
- Uploaded resume registrants - Pending
- Interview these registrants - Approved
- Reject these registrants - Other
You can change the DEFAULT status from Attending to, say, Pending (or any of the other three). Now, all registrants will default to Pending at the time of successful registration. After someone looks at their registrant information, they can change the status to one of the other three statuses.
Does your Admin Dashboard have Menus or Buttons?
rsvpBOOK has 2 versions of the Admin Dashboard. Which one do you have?

If Menus, your Invitation-Only tool is located here ...

If Buttons, your Invitation-Only tool is located here ...

The Advanced Registration window opens...
Click the Registrant Status link in the Quick Nav panel.

How do I change the default status?
You can set the default registrant status to any one of five statuses.
You cannot set the default to Incomplete nor Not Attending. You can, however, assign these two statuses to a registrant AFTER they have registered. For example, let's say that you noticed a registrant skipped a waiver question. You could change their status to Incomplete.
How do I change the Confirmation Page (Thank You page) and the Confirmation Email Message for each registrant status?
- For each status, you can add verbiage to the Thank You for Registering page (Confirmation page)
- For each status, you can compose a special Confirmation Email message that will be sent to only registrants with that status
How do I change one registrant's status?
Use this procedure to change the status of one registrant:
- Locate the registrant using the Search the Registrant List tool (top of the Registrant List)
- Select the Change Registrant Status item in the dropdown menu adjacent to their name
- Click the Go button and follow the prompts
How do I change the registrant status for multiple registrants?
Use the Registrant List to change the status of multiple registrants all at the same time. How do I bulk edit registrants?
- Select the checkboxes in the blue column for all registrants
- Click the Bulk Edit button and follow the prompts
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