Help Documents - Version 5Add QuestionsHow do I set up Conditional Sessions/Sales Items?

How do I set up Conditional Sessions/Sales Items?

Conditional Session/Sales Items are an extension to Conditional Questions.  Sessions and sales item displays are controlled by a response to a question or combination of responses to 2 or more questions.  Each response can display any number of additional sessions and/or sales item, no limits.

The WAY IT WORKS: A RULE is defined that consists of defining the response(s) that trigger the display of any number of sessions and/or sales items.

Let's set up a simple example that is a 2-day conference in which a registrant can attend either day or both days, all different prices.

  1. It has a Friday ticket = $100
  2. It has a Saturday ticket = $175
  3. If both days are purchased, the 2-day ticket = $225

We will need to define 1 question with 3 radio button response choices (radio buttons allow only one response): (How do I Add Questions?)

Ask a question: For which days are you registering?

  1. Friday only ($100)
  2. Saturday only ($175)
  3. Both Friday and Saturday ($225)

We will need to define 3 sales items: (How do I Add Sales Items (Tickets))

  1. A Friday ticket = $100
  2. A Saturday ticket = $175
  3. A 2-day ticket = $225

BEFORE Conditional Sessions/Sales Items have been set up

The screen below displays the Registration page BEFORE Conditional Sessions/sales have been defined:

  1. One question with 3 responses
  2. Three sales items - 1 item for each day ticket and 1 2-day ticket
BEFORE Conditional Sessions/Sales Items have been set up

Does your Admin Dashboard have Menus or Buttons?

rsvpBOOK has 2 versions of the Admin Dashboard.  Which one do you have?

Does your Admin Dashboard have Menus or Buttons?

If Menus, your Survey Questions tool is located here ...

If Menus, your Survey Questions tool is located here ...

If Buttons, your Survey Questions tool is located here ...

If Buttons, your Survey Questions tool is located here ...

The Questionnaire Wizard window opens

  1. To set up conditional sessions/sales, click the Conditional Sessions/Sales button
  2. If you have not yet defined your questions, stay on this Question Manager screen and add your questions. (How do I add questions to my registration page?)

If you have not yet defined your sales items, open the Sales Wizard and add your sales items (How do I Add Sales Items (Tickets))

The Questionnaire Wizard window opens

The Conditional Sessions/Sales window opens

We will be adding 3 Rules - one for each of the 3 question responses:

  1. A Friday ticket = $100
  2. A Saturday ticket = $175
  3. A 2-day ticket = $225
The Conditional Sessions/Sales window opens

Add the first rule that controls the display of the Friday ticket purchase option

A Rule is triggered when a question response is selected (clicked on).  The Rules define the combinations of responses that trigger the display of sessions and sales items.   All sessions and sales items are INVISIBLE on the Registration page UNTIL a Rule is triggered.   A Rule can have more than 1 response defined.  If you define a rule with many responses, you can therefore allow very complicated logic structures to require, for example, 4 or more responses to make a certain session visible.

A Rule has 4 parts:

  1. Enter a Rule name (not seen by registrant - for admin use only)
  2. Select the response to the question that will trigger this rule (Friday only ($100)
  3. Select the sessions that will be displayed when the marked response is triggered
  4. Select the sales item that will be displayed when the marked response is triggered
Add the first rule that controls the display of the Friday ticket purchase option

The Conditional Sessions/Sales window opens with 1 Rule defined

Copy Rule 1 and edit it to create Rule 2 for Saturday.

The Conditional Sessions/Sales window opens with 1 Rule defined

Add Rule 2 by editing the Copy of Rule 1

Edit Rule 1:

  1. Change the name from Friday to Saturday
  2. Select the Saturday response
  3. Both sessions remain ON
  4. Deselect the Friday ticket and select the Saturday ticket
Add Rule 2 by editing the Copy of Rule 1

The Conditional Sessions/Sales window opens with 3 Rules defined

The 3rd Rule was created in the same manner as the first two (a copy and an edit)

The Conditional Sessions/Sales window opens with 3 Rules defined

What does the Registration page look like now?

What does the Registration page look like now?

The Both Friday and Saturday ticket is selected

The Both Friday and Saturday ticket is selected

General rules for using Conditional Sesssions/Sales

All Sessions and Sales Items that are INCLUDED IN A RULE will be INVISIBLE on the Registration page until the rule's question-response combination is selected by the registrant, which will trigger their display.


  • There are no limits to the number of rules that can be set - set up as many as you need
  • Each rule can have more than one response required to trigger the display of sessions and/or sales items - this allows you to create some very complicated logic sequences
  • There are no limits to the number of question responses, sessions and/or sales items that can be incorporated into rules


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