How do I send an email message?
This is a generic instruction set for sending an email message. It assumes you have already created the message.
If not, view these documents:
Does your Admin Dashboard have Menus or Buttons?
rsvpBOOK has 2 versions of the Admin Dashboard. Which one do you have?
![Does your Admin Dashboard have Menus or Buttons?](
If Menus, your Email Wizard tool is located here ...
![If Menus, your Email Wizard tool is located here ...](
If Buttons, your Email Wizard tool is located here ...
![If Buttons, your Email Wizard tool is located here ...](
Select the message you want to send
Each message you create will be listed on this screen (such as: invitations, reminders, invoices, notices, etc).
- You can send a message one time
- You can send a message numerous times
- You can send the same message to different sets of registrants or contact lists
Click the Deliver to ... button and choose the set of recipients on the screen that opens.
Select the recipient group to which you want to send
Select a recipient group by clicking the radio button for that group of recipients. The numbers in parentheses are the number of registrants in that group. Choose from the following:
- Create a Custom Report (Report Wizard or Advanced Reports) and send to everyone in that report - a custom report can have filters applied so that you can create your own "recipient groups" using any criteria you need
- A manually selected set of one or many registrants - create a set of recipients from the Registrant List by checking them off and saving them as a named set - useful for one-off sending of post-event surveys, invoices, announcements, etc to one or many recipients
- Send a message to each Registrant Status group
- All registrants (attending and not attending)
- All registrants who physically Attended and those who did NOT Attend - registrants who did not attend must be so marked using the Event Attendance Mgr screen on the Admin Dashboard; otherwise this list will be empty
- Registrants who registered as either Group Leaders, Group Members and Individuals (each of these is a separate set)
- All Group Leaders and Members - one set of recipients
- Only registrants who signed for a particular session - you can send to one session at a time - if you need to send to 2 or more sessions, create a custom report and gather all signups for all of the sessions you want to include and then send to the Custom Report (#1)
- Only regristants who are waitlisted for a session - you can send to one session at a time - if you need to send to 2 or more sessions, create a custom report and filter for all waitlisted for all of the sessions you want to include and then send to the Custom Report (#1)
- Only registrants who purchased a particular sales item
- All registrants with a balance due - useful for preparing invoices
- All registrants with a balance due for a particular Method of Payment - useful for sending notices to only those who selected a particular payment method
Finally, choose when you want to send the message at the bottom. It can be sent immediately (Send Now) or scheduled for delivery in the future (Send Later).
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