Help Documents - Version 5Banquet Table WizardHow do I set up my Banquet Table prompts?

How do I set up my Banquet Table prompts?

You can customize all of the prompts and instructions to registrants when you set up your banquet tables using the Table Wizard.

How do I see where the Landing Page prompts display?

The Table Wizard window opens ...

The Table Wizard window opens ...

The Table Prompts screen opens ...

  1. Landing Page - this is the default page your registrants land on when they click the link in your invitation
  2. Registration Page - your registrants submit their registration information on this screen
  3. Confirmation Page (Thank You for Registering) - this is the page your registrants see AFTER they successfully register

Where do the Table Prompts display?

The Table Prompts screen opens ...

1. Set up your Landing Page Prompts and Registrant Instructions

This is the Landing Page prompts section in which you enter registrant instructions and prompts for use in the Table Wizard.

The Select How You Are Registering section presents 2 options to the registrant.  You have 100% control of the verbiage on all prompts and buttons and field labels.  If you prepare your verbiage and instructions carefully, you can minimize registrant confusion.

  1. Register as an individual at a table
  2. Register as part of an existing table

To change the verbiage, click inside the field you want to change - the fields will glow gray as you mouse over them. You can edit in-line.  Click the Save button to save your changes.  Click the Reset button to restore the system default verbiage for that field.

1. Set up your Landing Page Prompts and Registrant Instructions

2. Set up your Registration Page Prompts

These prompts appear on the Registration Page and serve to provide labels and confirmation messages.  Hover your mouse over the prompt and click when it turns grey.

2. Set up your Registration Page Prompts

3. Set up your Confirmation Page Prompts

These prompts appear on the Confirmation Page and serve to provide labels and confirmation messages.  Hover your mouse over the prompt and click when it turns grey.

CAUTION: The merge codes look like this: {{group_code}} and {{group_count}} - if you remove them or change their spelling, registrant data WILL NOT be displayed.

3. Set up your Confirmation Page Prompts


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