How do I Send an Invitation?
Things to do BEFORE sending your Invitation
Review your entire event for accuracy:
- Double check your event details: event date and time, venue address, contact information, etc
- If you made any temporary behavior settings on the Event Preferences screen, be sure to return them to what you need (allowing duplicate email addresses is typically turned on for testing, but turned off when going live)
- Test the event URL that you created - if you have changed it, make sure the new one works
- If you set up questions with conditional logic, test every question response
- If you set up sessions and/or sales items with conditional logic, test every combination that you created
- If you set up registrant types, test each one to insure that it displays the correct combination of screens, capture fields, questions, sessions, sales items, etc
- If you set up sales items, test the registration page to make sure your checkout page is working properly
- Review your event's collateral, such as the email invitation, the email confirmation, the confirmation page (Thank You for Registering)
- Be sure to Publish your event - otherwise, your event will co-mingle test and actual registrations and various "test mode" messages will remain on your registration page
Does your Admin Dashboard have Menus or Buttons?
rsvpBOOK has 2 versions of the Admin Dashboard. Which one do you have?

If Menus, your Email Wizard tool is located here ...

If Buttons, your Email Wizard tool is located here ...

Select the Invitation Template you want to send
If you have more than one message template saved, they will all be visible on this screen regardless of type.
Select the Contact List to which you want to send this Invitation
- Sometimes, you will want to add contacts to a list and then resend your invitations WITHOUT resending to all contacts whom have already received an invitation - turn on this checkbox
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