What is Group Registration?
Group Registration allows 2 or more people to register as a group under one group code.
Group registration IS:
- One person can pay for all of the group's fees in one transaction
- All registrants from a single organization or company can be grouped together and managed as a group of registrants
- Each registrant has their own record so that you can manage their registration independently from all other registrants
- Group discounts can be offered, for example: Register 5, get the 6th for 50% off
- Groups can be forced to be of the same registrant type, or not
- The first person in the group to register is the Group Leader and distributes the group code to the Group Members
- The Group Leader can manage the group members - they can edit their member's registration records (if someone can't attend, their registration record can be changed to a new person)
- The Group Leader can register all of the Group Members themselves or the Group Members can register themselves
Group Registration IS NOT:
The ability to capture "extra," or "guest" names and addresses on a person's registration page. Names so captured WILL NOT have their own registration record and will be invisible to registrant-centric actions such as emailing all registrants, making a name badge, sending a post-event survey and obtaining a report with the "extra" names included on their own row.
What are the 2 modes of group registration?
There are 2 modes of group registration ...
- Group Code Registration - The Group Leader enters himself/herself and then distributes the group code to their group members whereby they will register themselves independently - How do I turn on Group Registration WITH Group Codes?
- Simple Group Registration - The Group Leader enters himself/herself and then enters their group members without using a group code - How do I turn on Group Registration WITHOUT Group Codes?
An event can only operate in one mode. Once the event is published and registrants are accumulating, the mode cannot be changed - therefore, test thoroughly BEFORE you publish.
Group Registration definitions
A Group consists of:
- A Group Leader - the first one of the group to register
- One or more Group Members - uses the Group Code to register and becomes a part of the group
The Group Leader ...
- Is the first member who registers for the group and creates the Group Code, therefore becoming the Group Leader
- Distributes the Group Code to all members of his/her group - rsvpBOOK provides an easy method to do this
- The Group Leader can register their entire group without using a group code
- Can pay for his entire group at any time in one transaction
- Can return after paying for a group to again pay for “straggler” registrants
- Can select various methods of payment on a per-registrant basis
- Can edit his/her member's records
- Can be changed by contacting the Event Organizer
Group Codes can be declared:
- PUBLIC (the actual group code is visible to all registrants)
- PRIVATE (the actual group code is not visible to the registrant and they must type in the group code)
Group Limits and Discounts:
- You can set the maximum number of groups allowed to register
- You can set the maximum number of registrants allowed per group
- New registrants can register into a group AFTER payment has been made for their group – these registrants are referred to as “stragglers”
- Group Discounts can be defined
- You can define a reduced set of About You fields for group members - you should always include, AT LEAST, first and last name and email address for each group member
Having a banquet? Think of a group as a table and the group leader is the table captain and the group members are seats at the table.
Your event can accept individual, group or both individual and group registrations simultaneously (Your registrant chooses how they want to register).
How does the registrant select how they want to register?
Registrants select their registration mode by declaring whether they are registering as:
- An individual or
- As part of a group - if this, then ...
- A. They can choose to Create a new Group - if this, then ...
- Create a Group Code
- B. Join an existing group - they will be prompted to enter a Group Code

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