Help Documents - Version 5Scanner Apps [Barcode and QR code]How to scan using an Android smartphone - .CSV file export

How to scan using an Android smartphone - .CSV file export

There are many apps on the market for scanning bar and QR codes. Scan to SS is the only one we have found that exports a properly formatted .CSV file.

If you're scanning attendees as they arrive for your event, then you will only need to make one spreadsheet (this scan app creates spreadsheets) which will contain scanned data. If you're scanning attendees as they arrive for a session, then you will need a new spreadsheet for each session. This app allows you to create and save many spreadsheets (ultimately, a .CSV file).

CAVEAT: Scanning with a phone app will not be able to verify that the attendee has actually registered for the event/session.  However, the scan gun, connected to a computer with wi-fi access, will be able to verify whether or not the attendee actually registered and whether or not there is a balance due.

Where do I obtain this scan app?

Go to this link on your Android smartphone:

Click the Scan to Spreadsheet  icon and make the purchase.

Where do I obtain this scan app?

Open the Scan to SS app on your iPhone

Always make sure your phone has a large charge; turn off other apps to conserve battery juice.

Open the Scan to SS app on your iPhone

Opening screen ...

Create a spreadsheet to start.

Opening screen ...

Name the new spreadsheet ...

When choosing a name for the spreadsheet, make it meaningful.  For example,

  • If you're scanning event attendees, include the name of the event (or a portion of it so that you don't get mixed up when uploading the .CSV file)
  • If you're scanning session attendees, include the name of the session (or a portion of it so that you don't get mixed up when uploading the .CSV file)
Name the new spreadsheet ...

Launch the scanner screen ...

  1. Check the box Continuous add row on scan
  2. Tap the barcode icon to begin scanning
Launch the scanner screen ...

If you see this screen ...

Then tap the Download ZXing button and follow the prompts to download and install the scan engine that will be used.

If you see this screen ...

When the scan screen opens, it will look like this (turned to Landscape mode)

Point the smartphone to the bar or QR code. It will autofocus and then automatically scan the code and save it to a new row in the spreadsheet.

After a scan, it will be ready to scan the next code. Continue scanning attendees as they come through the door. When finished scanning, tap the smartphone's "Back" button on the frame of the phone.

When the scan screen opens, it will look like this (turned to Landscape mode)

When finished scanning in the previous step, you will land on this screen ...

Now its time to export your .CSV file containing the scans.  The easiest way to export is to email the file to yourself.

When finished scanning in the previous step, you will land on this screen ...

The options menu opens

The easiest way to export the .CSV file is to email it.

The options menu opens

Send it to yourself ...

  1. Enter an email address in the To: field
  2. Tap the Send button
Send it to yourself ...

Open the email message with the .CSV file as an attachment

You will want to pick up this email mssg on your computer or tablet so that you can upload it from your event's Admin Dashboard.

Save the .CSV file to your computer and upload it into rsvpBOOK - attendees will be marked Attended after the upload process completes.

Open the email message with the .CSV file as an attachment

What does the .CSV file look like?

A .CSV file is a plain text file and therefore can be opened in any text editor, including Word. It's not a good idea to open it in case you accidentally change something and save it.  You really don't need to open this file.  

What does the .CSV file look like?

What does the .CSV file look like when imported into Excel (or any spreadsheet program)?

This is the first screen seen when importing.  Have a look at the preview and set the Other delimiter to the pipe character. Then click OK.

What does the .CSV file look like when imported into Excel (or any spreadsheet program)?

This is the .CSV file, viewed from within a spreadsheet program.

Four rows of data plus a header row. There is no reason to import the file into a spreadsheet program.  We do it here so that you can see what it looks like.

This is the .CSV file, viewed from within a spreadsheet program.

Deleting spreadsheets

  • Tap your phone's "Menu List" button on the frame of your phone
  • Tap the Delete SS button
Deleting spreadsheets


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