How do I hide the "Not Attending" button?
Does your Admin Dashboard have Menus or Buttons?
rsvpBOOK has 2 versions of the Admin Dashboard. Which one do you have?

If Menus, your Event Preferences tool is located here ...

If Buttons, your Event Preferences tool is located here ...

Click the Accept & Decline Button link in the Quick Nav panel

Edit the Decline button settings
The Accept and Decline buttons are the Submit Registration and Not Attending button labels, respectively.
- You can hide the Not Attending button by checking the Hide this Decline button on the registration page checkbox
- You can leave the Not Attending button visible on the Edit Registration screen so that registrants can return and Cancel their registration
If you require a purchase to attend your event, you should NOT Hide the Decline button - otherwise, someone could be required to make a purchase but they are not attending; you probably don't want to create this scenario.
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