How do I set up Partial Payments?
The Sales Item Manager window opens ...
The Partial Payments option works ONLY for credit card purchases. All other methods of payment (PO, mail-in check, etc) are NOT sensitive to a partial payment because rsvpBOOK carries these transactions as a balance due registrant.
Registrants who elect the partial payment option are carried as a balance due registrant.
- Click the Payment & Processing link on the Quick Nav panel
- Click the checkbox to turn on Partial Payments
- Enter the dollar amount of the partial payment
The Registration Page ...
The registrant will NOT see any indication of a partial payment option on the registration page. However, if necessary, you may inform the registrant that partial payments are allowed for credit card payments ONLY in your Event Description or Sales Item notes section or in any other fields that allow custom content.
When the registrant clicks the Submit Registration button AND will pay by credit card, the checkout page will display the partial payment option.
The Checkout page with Partial Payments in effect

Change the partial payment

The registrant's record is updated
After a successful credit card transaction, the registrant's payment record is updated to reflect a balance due if they did not elect to pay the entire amount (which they can do).
Any amount less than or greater than the amount due receives an error message.
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