Help Documents - Version 5Event PreferencesHow do I include the registrant's Guest Count in the total registrant count?

How do I include the registrant's Guest Count in the total registrant count?

Guest Counts can be included in the total registrant count

If you allow a registrant to bring a guest(s) AND you want to include each registrant's guest count in the total number attending your event, then turn on Guest Counting.

How does this work?

When you turn on Guest Counting, this is what happens:

  1. A question is created for you in the Questionnaire Wizard (it is added to the bottom of any questions that may already be there - you can move it to another location if necessary)
  2. The question added is: How many guests are you bringing? (you can edit this question's text on the Questionnaire Wizard screen)
  3. You can assign a maximum number of allowable guest(s) per registrant on this screen
  4. You can edit the number of guests allowed on this screen even after you begin accepting registrations

Why is a guest count question created for me? Since questions can be linked to other questions conditionally, you can display other questions and sales items (tickets) for just the guests, such as meal tickets for guests, etc.

Does your Admin Dashboard have Menus or Buttons?

rsvpBOOK has 2 versions of the Admin Dashboard.  Which one do you have?

Does your Admin Dashboard have Menus or Buttons?

If Menus, your Event Preferences tool is located here ...

If Menus, your Event Preferences tool is located here ...

If Buttons, your Event Preferences tool is located here ...

If Buttons, your Event Preferences tool is located here ...

The Event Preferences window opens ...

  1. Turn on the Guest Count checkbox
  2. Set the maximum number of guests allowed per registrant
The Event Preferences window opens ...

How do I edit the number of guests that a registrant may bring?

Return to this screen and change the number of guests allowed per registrant (see the step above).  You cannot change this number in the Questionnaire Wizard.


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