Help Documents - Version 5What's New in rsvpBOOK?December 17, 2014 ----- [Report Wizard: New Folders; Registrant List: New Transcript Report; New Section Manager]

December 17, 2014 ----- [Report Wizard: New Folders; Registrant List: New Transcript Report; New Section Manager]

New Features and Tools:

  1. Report Wizard - Added a Folder structure so that you can sort and organize your reports
  2. New! Transcript Report - displays ALL sessions for which a registrant has signed up across all of your events
  3. Section Manager - Expanded to include all 3 pages (Landing, Registration and Confirmation pages). You can also change the section name and launch the editor for all sections.

Report Wizard Folders

Organize and sort your reports into folders.

Report Wizard Folders

Transcript Report - Registrant List

From your Registrant List, create a transcript report that will display ALL sessions for which one registrant signed up, ACROSS all of your events.

Transcript Report - Registrant List

Section Manager - New version

Now you can access all sections of your website from one screen.  This includes:

  1. View all 3 website pages: Landing, Registration, Confirmation pages - select the page in the dropdown menu
  2. Editing the section's content (such as the Session Wizard) - click the gear icon
  3. Changing the order of the sections on the page - click and drag the arrow icon

The Page Label Editor has been replaced by this new Section Manager.

Section Manager - New version


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