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HTML Tips For Font Colors and Sizes

Most of the fields on rsvpBOOK screens will accept HTML tags. Below you will find some basic examples that you can incorporate into your fields.

Basic rules for HTML tags:

What is an HTML tag?

  1. A typical HTML tag looks like this: <b> - this one is the "bold" tag - it will bold the text enclosed by its open and close tags
  2. Each tag needs to be opened <b> and then closed </b>, surrounding the text - For example: <b>text</b>
  3. All HTML tags can be combined, such as:
  4. <b><centered><font size=3>Example Text</font></centered></b>
  5. If you combine tags, they must be nested (these numbers are "nested" <3><2><1> ... </1></2></3>)
  6. <b><font color=red>Example Text</font></b>

Font style tags:

The example tags on the left produce the result on the right side.

Font style tags:

Font color tags:

The example tags on the left produce the result on the right side.

Font color tags:

Font size tags:

The example tags on the left produce the result on the right side. Size=1 is a small font while size=6 is the largest.

Font size tags:

Split words on to the next line with the "Break" tag:

The <br> (break tag) is the only HTML tag that does not have to be "closed."

Split words on to the next line with the &quot;Break&quot; tag:

You can combine tags as long as they are nested properly:

Note the incorrect example. The tags are not nested correctly, such as <2><1> ... </2></1>. Incorrect tag nesting causes the entire tag set to be ignored.

You can combine tags as long as they are nested properly:

These articles will show you how to insert a link to a file or to another website into a WYSIWYG editor:

Draw a line using the <hr> tag (horizontal rule):

The <hr> tag draws a line across the width of the page.  Use it for separating elements on a page, such as between two paragraphs or surrounding words in a question which can be used as a category.  The <hr> tag is always drawn on one line, excluding all text from the line.

If you want to make a category of questions, do this:

<hr>Transportation Questions<hr> - this displays the words Transportation Questions with a line above and one below the words.  Choose the None response if you use this in a question.


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