How to Add Groups and Sessions
Groups are containers for sessions.
IMPORTANT: First, you create a Group and then add Sessions into the group. (How to organize Groups and Sessions)
Does your Admin Dashboard have Menus or Buttons?
rsvpBOOK has 2 versions of the Admin Dashboard. Which one do you have?

If Menus, your Session tool is located here ...

If Buttons, your Session tool is located here ...

Prepare to Add a Session
The Session Wizard defines event-level behavior for all sessions. Before adding sessions, you should set up the attributes below, before you add a Group.
- Group Collapse - If checked, then the Seesion Group Name displays with a + in front of it and no sessions are displayed until the + is clicked
- Minimum Requirement - You can set a minimum number of sessions that must be selected, across all groups
- Maximum Requirement - You can set a maximum number of sessions that must be selected, across all groups
- Session Detail Rollovers - If checked, adds an icon that, when clicked or moused over, displays session information compactly - useful to compact the session display when you have many sessions and want to shorten the page or when you have long descriptions
Set up the Group
The Group block displays. Add your detail and click the Update button:
- Give the Group a name - The group name displays on the registration page and in all reports as the prefix of the session name - Group names should be short and unique
- The Group Note field is used to add text that is common to all sessions in the group - for example, if all sessions are the same class but given at different times, put the class description in the Group Note field (this will save space on the registration page)
- The Group Instructions field is used to provide special instructions regarding the group of sessions - for example, if you have Group Collapse (see previous step, top row) turned on, you could add an instruction that says: Click the + to see all classes.
- Select how you want registrants to select their sessions, checkboxes ...
- ... or radio buttons
- You can hide the group and all of its sessions if your event is capturing registrations and you're working on the sessions - you don't want registrants to see a "work in progress"
- You can set a minimum number of sessions that must be selected in this group
- You can set a maximum number of sessions that must be selected in this group
Repeat adding sessions until your group is fully defined. Create another group and add sessions to it ... and so on.
Need to change the display Group Order of session groups? How do I change the display order of session groups?
Need to change the display Session Order of sessions? How do I change the display order of sessions?
Add a Session
- Click the Add Session button to add a session
Repeat adding sessions until your group is fully defined. Create another group and add sessions to it ... and so on. No limits to groups per event and sessions per group.
Set up the Session
Clicking the Add Session button opens the Session Add/Edit screen where you define the details of your session.
How do I define a Session? - this is where you configure all detail regarding your session: date, times, name, etc.
How do I decide whether or not I need Checkbox selections or Radio Button selections?
- Checkboxes allow one or more sessions to be selected from a group - How do I decide how to Group my Sessions?
- Radio buttons allow only one selection from the group
- There cannot be checkboxes AND radio buttons in the same group
- If you require attendance at a session, then this session should not be in a radio button group with other sessions - Require attendance at a session? DON'T DO THIS!
How do I change the Group and Session Display order?
Need to change the display order of session groups on the registration page? How do I change the display order of session groups?
Need to change the display order of sessions on the registration page? How do I change the display order of sessions?
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